Dental Plans Benefits

Dental Plans Benefits

Family Dental Care

What should you not do before Dental surgery?

Why do dentists refer you to oral surgeons? The answer depends on your dental needs. Some patients prefer dental implants to dentures and bridges and the only way to place those implants safely is if the patient goes through oral surgery. An impacted wisdom tooth is another example of why patients are required to undergo oral surgery. When a wisdom tooth is causing pain or causing your teeth to shift out of place, the best way to deal with it is to extract it.

It’s normal to experience pain, swelling, and slight bleeding after surgery but you can overcome these quicker if you follow your oral surgeon’s post-op after-care instructions. When you diligently follow the instructions, you’ll avoid complications and infections and your wounds will heal faster.

Controlling Bleeding

Bleeding is expected after surgery but you can minimize bleeding by not rinsing, spitting, smoking, brushing your teeth within twenty-four hours, and avoiding using straws when you drink. When you suck or spit the bleeding will continue.

It’s normal to experience slight bleeding twenty-four hours following surgery. All you need to do is to apply pressure on the site by biting into a clean gauze pad for thirty minutes. Doing so should stop the bleeding. But, if the bleeding becomes excessive and if it doesn’t stop after several days let your oral surgeon know about it.

Preventing Pain and Infection

Pain and discomfort are also expected after surgery but this can be controlled if you take your medications religiously as prescribed by your oral surgeon. However, if you develop allergies in the form of a rash don’t continue taking the meds and inform your oral surgeon about it. Another reason to take the medications prescribed is to avoid infection.

Minimizing Swelling

Swelling is not unusual for patients who had just undergone surgery. To lessen the swelling, you should apply an ice pack on the side of your face near the surgical site for twenty-minute intervals the moment you get home. Do this for the first forty-eight hours. The peak of the swelling should manifest on the second or third day but after that, it should start to subside.

Modifying Your Diet

On the day of the surgery, you’ll be required to follow a liquid diet. After surgery, you will transition to soft foods that are rich in vitamins, minerals and are high in protein. The soft diet should last several days. While you’re on a soft diet, you should increase your water intake. Eventually, you can go back to your usual diet.

Reducing Nausea

When your taking narcotic medications don’t take them on an empty stomach. This will be explained to you before surgery so makes sure you take notes. If you’re nauseous, drink sips of a carbonated beverage and then drink clear soup or mild tea. Now is not the best time to feast on dairy products and oily foods. If you experience severe nausea, let your oral surgeon know about it.

Oral Care Routine

After surgery, you’re not allowed to go back to your oral care routine. To keep your mouth clean you just need to rinse it with warm saline water. To prepare the saline solution you’ll need half a glass of warm water and half a teaspoon of salt. Mix them together and gargle them after having your meal and before bedtime. Avoid using mouth rinses that contain hydrogen peroxide. You may brush your teeth after but don’t brush on the surgical site not unless it’s completely healed.

Avoid Smoking

This is a problem for chronic smokers because it can be really challenging to stop smoking. But, if you just had oral surgery you don’t have much of a choice. You need to stay away from cigarettes at least three days after your surgery. If you continue smoking you will increase your chances of bleeding and the healing period will be delayed as well.


You can’t afford to get infected or suffer from complications after everything you’ve been through so it’s best if you follow the instructions carefully and diligently to expedite your healing.